Anonymity, privacy and security
Introduction: 1. Privacy: - State in which one is not being observed by others 2. Anonymity: - State where acting person name is unknown (Note:- To be private on internet it is very difficult because we are using the resources that are created by others. So it is impossible to be private.) Our all activities are visible to: 1. Employees 2. Hackers 3. Government Agencies So the best solution for this is to be as anonymous as possible. So if anybody manage to intercept our data they wont be able to link it to ourselves or to our identity. To improve privacy and anonymity, we need two things: 1. Anonymizing service 2. Private online service You cannot be private and anonymous without being secure because instead of using best anonymous server, best VPN, private service and so on, if the attacker manage to hack you device then all these things are useless. - All the website like Facebook, google, twitter and so on can trace or can view your each and every details. They can also ...